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it would be awesome if wee can have the technic pack as well... wee'd be able to make an industrial complex
Andrewcc, me a link to the bukkit plugin. Syfe, if both /i and /give work, that's really all I can do as far as fixing TMI.
technic pack relies on server and client side hacks, could maybe be a little too much effort
I didn't try /give since its the command TMI uses as default but I got an error when using. /give basically
the server isn't allowing me to log-in again.

i think the server basically crashes itself if nobody goes on it
My pc can now run minecraft >:D

Now wait me for a month gonna save up for minecraft Whyowhy
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]the server isn't allowing me to log-in again.

i think the server basically crashes itself if nobody goes on it

i haven't been able to sign on either.
Its up now guys, sorry I wasn't able to fix it earlier, I've been working all weekend. You're right, the server does crash when its empty for a long time. I'm off today and thursday, so I'll whip up a way to auto restart the server every 12 hours or so, that should fix that particular crash.


Ok, I've got the server set up to restart itself every 6 hours, hopefully that should keep it from crashing on you guys when you don't use it for too long.
Thanks trade.

I was bored yesterday so I was going to start making a town someplace in the world

But first I have to build a tree... and change what iron bars look like.
ok guys, i switched over to MixedModeAuth, which will allow us to keep playing even if minecraft.net is down. Another thing that it does is require authentication. Either me, Eku, or (once either me or eku set up his account) FBR will have to add your account to the server in order for you to be able to play (it takes like 10 seconds). If you want to avoid that hassle, you can always pm me with your minecraft username and desired password and I'll set up the account as soon as I can. If you have a minecraft premium account, you have to use your mc premium account name, but can use any password you want. If you don't have one, but somehow still manage to play minecraft (naughty, naughty) that's fine too, because MMA doesn't require a paid version of minecraft to play. Now you guys really have no excuse not to be playing with us!

tl;dr: switched so pirated copies work, pm trademark with your username and desired password to be able to login to the server
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