Endless Paradigm

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never got around to fixing the station
I'm sure the new version of minecart mania will be ready soon

:edit: oh, it did yesterday, lets see if it works now :)
check the server statics before you allow us back on using it and such
no problem so far, will watch it over the next couple of days
awesome i won't worry about it.

although i will setup a backup minecart setup
it's time for another isometric :) not much change this week
i noticed one...

although up to you to see it
the main things i see are, my roman building, eku's cliff house, methods hotel and trades half sphere

by the way, not sure if it worked or not guys, but i think i enabled flying on the server, i was able to make that Roman building thing while flying
Ohh you made the Roman building?

It's very nice :)
what roman building?

* Syfe looks again...
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