Endless Paradigm

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He's the one to blame! Everyone grab your torches and pitchforks!!
Whilst I was wondering around the world I did find a couple of interesting builds, I wonder how long it took for those people to make them.

[Image: 2011-11-02_044602.png]

[Image: 2011-11-02_044048.png]

I'm busy tonight with work that is due tomorrow but come the nighttime, it's on to my house hunt! I will not be evicted by my own stupidity!
The one at the top was build by FunnyButRandom, never seen the second one though. :O
The second one is in a very deep pit in the middle of nowhere, I made a warp to it if you would like to visit. It's either DSH01 or DSH02
the second one is mine as well :) still working on that one
reminds me of a maze... cannot login... i want to make a maze now
fixed that. the hosting company rebooted our server last night and i was asleep so i didnt start the minecraft server back up. its up now though.

edit: Guys im going to be gone for the next 4 days for some irl responsibility stuff. If anything comes up that needs urgent attention, talk to ekusoshisut0 and hell either be able to fix it or get me. See you Tuesday!
the server hates us.

looks like the 2nd world is down now
hey trade, if you're looking for any help, i could have a look at it for you? unless it's a linux problem, but with the issue of them rebooting the server without telling you, can you not setup the OS to auto start the server if it is ever switched off?
nevermind about that 2nd world thing. it doesn't list on the sig
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