Endless Paradigm

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Good stuff.

At most wee just need world edit / guard
With trademark doing such amazing changes, Ya'll better start playing, because such a Good Server can not stay Unplay. («- I don't think that's even a real Word,but fudge it.)

Thanks trade. Hiding_something
Unplayed is a word
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]Unplayed is a word

however unplay is not
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]however unplay is not

What would be the Word of "Unplayed" in present tense?

i don't know...
well i can see a reason the server would be currently empty (unplayed) as wee are waiting for a new world now. no point touching up anything at the moment.

1.3 didnt add much but forest/desert temples
My tekkit base (some of the stuff [RM Furnaces] is non-legit because pickles):
Spoiler for Tekkit Base:
[Image: 20120813200942.png]

[Image: 20120813201018.png]

Enchantment Building: [Image: 20120813201102.png]
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