Endless Paradigm

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why not? what do you mean by no permissons?
I like the website FBR.

Also I lol'd at FBR's house on fire xD
i can't use topof

also why are there no Carts around yet you guys built a station. i have to run everywhere QQ
do you mean /top

or the warp point called topof
wee can spawn the carts, plus the line is currently broken
Also should mention this.

chests on world-guarded zones cannot be opened by other players.
still no update again guys :( does anyone want me to start up the old server with 1.8 vanilla
you shouldn't.

not until bukkit updates

plus the real time map is out dated
hmmm, need to look at the code for that it is meant to update by itself :S
oh look. it asked me on my new desktop to "update/not now"

hanging out on the server now

however the java platform is highly unstable here

also you killed DSH's house and ruined the left side on the world map
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