Endless Paradigm

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[Image: 263k08l.png]
Oh yeh this is what me and my mate built before :P
[Image: faON1.png]
Silver Dungeon from the Aether Mod :)
I built a simple home overlooking that large flat wall ;3

[Image: ufail.png]

[Image: 20110901205207.png]

[Image: 20110901205308.png]
is there a warp there?
go to /warp topof

From there on out go downhill and you'll see some of the other creations.
i wanted to check out the inside...

oh well

[Image: 2011-09-02_035726.png]

my newest large project in progress... (still hidden)

this took me an hour and a half to finish... this is the "save room" where i suggest placing items within chests before taking upon the quest within... (chests & signs will be in a chest under the top right corner) becasue theres going to be times where you will be unable to get your items back for some reasons. (theres room for 6 chests to be placed on the red wool [12 without signs])

please no item summoning while playing this area
just to let you know. I've had to unfortunately disable minecart mania for now as it was causing obscene RAM usage, with it on the server was idling at 570mb, with 5 of us on the other day, wee got up to 800mb usage! and with it off, it idles at 300mb, so for now, intersections on the track are broken, sorry about the trouble guys
I'll setup something for my station a bit later... and the other stations
can i ask... is it possible to use an xray mod on the server... and do you mind if i use it?
Nope. You can try but you won't see much ores.
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