Endless Paradigm

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Yeah that's the silkspawners plugin. It was the only way I could get a spawner that didn't spawn exclusively pigs. I can't change that setting though, as the plugin is pretty broken and doesn't even generate config files.
well it works. lol.

but when you see the item codes on NEI, spawners have a larger range in values then normal variant items.
Yeah you can't /I Anything but pig spawners though
Hmm. Really. Also I have extra dust for those of us who want a dowsing rod
hey guys sorry i wasn't on the past couple of days the charger for my laptop broke so i had to buy a new one nit's arrived today so i can start playing again...
Looky what I have made! BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID.

Spoiler for Blunderbuss:
[Image: 20120915200345.png]
i think what trade made is more dangerous... due to how many mobs are in there currently... lol

also your going to enter the nether at the only portal inside the nether. you need to find where you are in the world and make another portal

The Nether is multiplied by 8 (so divide by 8 instead) so X = 141, Z = 117
finished my mushroom biome. If anyone wants me I'll be in here:

[Image: snapshot8l.png]
i took some screens while i was down there.

Spoiler for Trade's Biome According to Syfe:
[Image: 2012-09-16_161150.png]
[Image: 2012-09-16_161423.png]
Now wee need a view of Trademark's home from Rawrsor's point of view
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