okay the real first thing is the lack of a Worldguard system... i suppose wee can't use warps because of the gate system
Gates are working apparently, you just need to set them up again?
and i can't access any of my chests
im thinking about not even bothering with worldguard. theres three people who use the server regularly at this point. whos going to mess with anything?
use of the home command? it would allow us to return to where wee want to spawn... instead of backtracking like 300,000 blocks
yes ill fix that. keep finding issues and reporting them here, im going to go through this thread and fix everything that you guys point out tomorrow.
deal with these on your own time Trade.
I need some lockette signs adjusted so i can enter rooms / chests
Gates need be turned on again. but they work... but you knew that.. just reminding you
Some dude is trapped in the Nether... he might need a TP
Can i join? I like to play here and there.
What's your in-game name?
im defragmenting my computer which is going to take all night. don't worry i havent forgotten about you guys.
Allright fixed the home thing syfe.
won't let me build around my area for some reason