Endless Paradigm

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soooOOoooo, anyone been up to anything on the server recently? uni has started again for me and because it's the first week I'm finding free time for mc hard
I've been playing on 1.9 lately xD
if possible, can you put me back in survival mode? i can't use my minecars or kill mobs or anything because i just delete stuff when i click it...
been trying to complete the 2nd puzzle of my dungeon. no good so far.
after breaking the server twice, changing permissiong platform 3 times and some sleep, I've managed to make it so you can change your own gamemode

/gm c   - for creative

/gm s   - for survival

:D !
THANK YOU <333333333333333333333333333
nice stuff FBR.
1.9 pre-3 is out to play now :)
WHo is Johnn1? lol
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