Endless Paradigm

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hey, everyone who is part of the server, ive got the new server online (sorta, its just running with no plugins and hasn't loaded the ep map yet) but i have a question before i go through duplicating the new map:

the old map is pre-1.8.1, and id like to get some in put on perhaps starting a new map with the new server, so all the generated land will have the 1.8 stuff in it (different mountains, etc)

what are your thoughts on that? if you don't like it i can always just run the old map.\

also i need one or two people to hop on irc so i can test the new server's latency and whatnot as i get it set up. thanks.
I think wee should probably get a new one for 1.9 since it's going to be another major update.
good call. ill mirror our current world for now, but as of 1.9 i think well probably generate a new world and let everyone download this one.

but again its up to you guys too. let me get some feedback on this.
why not just run it like it currently is? the plugin multiverse will allow the server to run more then one map?
no real reason, just figured id toss some ideas around.
if you wanted a list of the adons i used:

creaturebox (delete this one, pointless)
essentials groupmanager

make sure not to change the name of the world and world2 folders, or that will break essentials, groupmanager, lockette and worldguard.

if you need any help about how i set up anything else, just ask, i am quite happy with my final setup of it all :)
AWESOME im going to go install those now. and thanks for the help, any assistance you could give would be great, as im sure the members of the server will apreciate us making the best minecraft possible for them :P
wee'll need an anti-xray plugin. To combat cheaters, and also the NoCheat plugin.

new ip:

i think it should all be working now, let me know what you think/report any bugs here
this looks good :) I'm assuming you can fast work out how permissions work? if not i can help you on irc or something
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