Endless Paradigm

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well it doesn't matter... as LONG AS YOU REPLANT THE TREES AFTERWARD...

although the lamp post is a bad thing... backups will ruin my epic terra form

also... now i can't go any deeper than my underground farm... apparently there is a large dark space below me in which mobs get killed

speaking of which the effectiveness of that trap is reduced if I'm in my base at all
=3= I'll clear it out then. Still don't know if those chunk errors near CC's are chunk errors
does it have to be that large to work?

(keep it for now)

"where's this water coming from?"
"uh raz... that's my water flow from my underground farm... you can follow it up but... you can't get anywhere while there"

"what's that noise?"
"note block and redstone rapid repeater setup... learning more redstone tricks"
the ideal size is 30x80, but I only did a 16x30
I'm still learning redstone too, but on a different server (sorry guys)

I'm still not getting used to pistons either. :\
well that was an advanced trick.

by the way raz. your tree caught fire.

[Image: 2011-07-17_064824.png]
How the hell.........well it's been fine since I planted them :O

Oh wait I see, it grew bigger and grew into the bakery's chimney >.>
yeah. then it burned and burned...

i stopped most of it

anyways since most of you arent around when i am...

Spoiler for base shots:
[Image: 2011-07-17_073454.png]
the entrance.
[Image: 2011-07-17_073441.png]
The Hidden Room... pistons are awesome.
[Image: 2011-07-17_073506.png]
Pet and its room
[Image: 2011-07-17_073401.png]
Library 1st floor
[Image: 2011-07-17_073411.png]
[Image: 2011-07-17_073417.png]
Secret? uh, no... alternate access to the red stone room
[Image: 2011-07-17_073338.png]
Library 2nd floor
[Image: 2011-07-17_073517.png]
Treasure? no more like stuff that i can use to make things...
[Image: 2011-07-17_073526.png]
The Furnace
[Image: 2011-07-17_073536.png]
Farm anybody?
the underground farm is something i have done before...

Source: YouTube
Nice work Syfe~
where are these chunk errors you see? can you screenshot them?
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