Endless Paradigm

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Stay online. I'll get on soon. You got to pop in at random times. And maybe stick around for longer than say 10 minutes. Whenever I go into a server I always check if there's people on it before going in. And so do the rest here. If you leave quickly then the it will stay empty and no one will want to get on seeing as they see it empty.

Just like with IRC
Ok, so i had not logged on for  while until today that I got on and found out that my hause had some Blocks missing from the walls.

Basically, It got Grieffed. Anyone has an explanation for me.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, so i had not logged on for  while until today that I got on and found out that my hause had some Blocks missing from the walls.

Basically, It got Grieffed. Anyone has an explanation for me.

A couple of blocks missing is hardly griefing man. If your house was on fire then you have a case.

It was probably a Enderman.
Yeah Enderman tend to remove blocks randomly.

Where was it by the way?
i thought they couldnt move certain blocks anymore?
Mmmm, Who knows. I'll ignore it this time.

But I'll keep an eye out.

My House's Walls.
I'm going to install a block history plugin tomorrow, so any future greifing will be easy to track down and fix/punish.
ok guys. I've gott all our protection plugins in place now, if anyone sees any greifing either post in this thread, or let eku know so i can fix it.
How are people greifing?  Wee have a whitelist and not many people play on the server anyway.  It happened to me once but it was only a few things and wasn't hard to fix.

how badly are things being greifed ?
Well this happened in yoyo's chan -
[15:28] <JamieL2012> hello
[15:28] <JamieL2012> i want to join that minecraft server thing
[15:29] <JamieL2012> what is the ip please?
[15:29] <@Will> Idk
[15:29] <JamieL2012> ohh
[15:29] <JamieL2012> ok
[15:49] * JamieL2012 (Pageguest7@undergroundz-183DCB29.know.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit ( Quit: JamieL2012 )

i got told to post this, so here is one suspect o0
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