Endless Paradigm

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can i not be included in the major donators group? i still want to play survival but with /i /give commands

the server wouldnt be much fun if you can't risk your life trying to make something
sure syfe :)
i still want to be apart of the donate group but creative breaks the game for me.

i won't mind the normal stuff like hunger or dying..

meanwhile i wish i could control spawners, otherwise i have to build large areas where randomish mobs spawn on
I'll try and look into that for you tonight :) what's your views on advertising the server?
our server should be trusted EP members only.

that way wee don't have random people trying to join so they can grief
I agree with Syfe, it's peaceful and nice to hang out in. I've been on many servers where you just get a cluttered mess of debris because some people felt like being jerks of a day. Even when they get kicked someone will always pop up and attempt to be the "big shot" thinking they won't be caught like the others. This way at least if someone does something you can find out who they are and nip the problem at the root.
i finished the bridge between skycabin and mid-point island.

created and completed "Hint Spire"

finished puzzle 1 in the dungeon
the server crashed again. you might want to look into that

as well as the number of mobs seems low

as well as a stock pile of our maps (who made them) [Where to get them]

MAP_0 - created at the spawn, shows the basic area around the town (SyfeKS) [Community Hall]
Map_1 - a bit eastern but mostly the same as Map_0
Map_2 - Junk Map
Map_3 - Northern Region Junk Map (not useful)
Map_4 - Junk Map
Map_5 - Junk Map
Map_6 - Northwest Region, shows the upper northwest starting at Soufte Tree (SyfeKS) [Soufte Tree]
i have no idea why it crashed, here is a server log of the moment it did.


2011-09-14 07:00:13 [INFO] <Darksidehearts> I see
2011-09-14 07:00:21 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
2011-09-14 07:00:21 [INFO] Loading properties

it just went from dark talking to the server restarting :S

It couldn't take my amazing words, they were so great it collapsed on it'self it's okay. It happens.
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