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Thanks both of you for your hard work.

BUT, When I try to join the Tekkit Server it gives me this error, "Internal exception: java.netSocketException: Connection reset".
Are you putting the port number after epcraft.org?

That and make sure you running the latest java version
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]Are you putting the port number after epcraft.org?

That and make sure you running the latest java version

This is how I put the ID, "epcraft.org:25570"

And I have the latest version of Java.
That's because you need to use the tekkit launcher not the regular Minecraft one.

Download at: http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/
Nothing happens when I run it.
You're doing something wrong because I had the same problem and after switching to the Tekkit launcher it fixed that exact problem you just mentioned.
This is more complicated that I thought.

If anyone could take a bit of time off their life to help me out, i will appreciate it very much.
It's my first time playing in a Tekkit Server, you know.
its the "Technic Launcher".

make sure your mod in the launcher is set to TEKKIT not TECHNIC

also before logging into TEKKIT. make sure your options are set to "manual build selection"

edit: i have placed the final touches upon the spawn station, meanwhile i have reset myself to survival
What mod?
when you start the "Technic Launcher" on the top left is a drop down menu, switch that to TEKKIT if you have not already
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