Endless Paradigm

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i don't have a RM furnace yet, although i heard that fully upgraded elec furnaces cook things faster than RM
And unfortunately the fuel doesn't burn the same way as regular furnaces.
OK I'm working pretty much all day till Friday, but ive set aside time that morning to get this working.
wow. ender chests only show the items for the person who places them in.
so your stuff is safe in ender chests...

alright i see wee got a new world... where to setup my new kingdom?
Somewhere nice. with lots of snow and maybe a swamp nearby
no i don't want to setup a kingdom in a swamp

1.3.2 is out. but i can log-into the server from it

Spoiler for Oil Rig:
[Image: 2012-08-21_013243.png]
[Image: 2012-08-21_013252.png]
[Image: 2012-08-21_013300.png]
[Image: 2012-08-21_013313.png]
[Image: 2012-08-21_013331.png]
[Image: 2012-08-21_013408.png]
hey guys sorry i haven't been on in a while was on holiday for a couple of weeks... i see wee now have a new world.... are wee still gonna have tekkit?
[Wee are waiting for trade to get back to us on that

Meanwhile trying to locate a spot on our new world still
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