Endless Paradigm

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server address is

i recently reinstalled the server so I'm not too sure if i ironed out all the kinks
Can me and ma friend come onto it??? :)
Will wee be using that server? :O
yeah, anyone can use it, and because it's open to all griefing could happen, it's in early stages, so let me know anything i could do to make it better

if this is going to be used a lot, wee should have a sub forum talking about current things being worked on within the game

just remember to hide well.
if you mean from mobs, i can turn them off if desired?
i meant versus griefers.

mobs i don't mind.
For griefers just use a whitelist plugin, that way you know who can come into the server, this way random griefers can't come and attack. There is also WorldGuard to guard certain areas or places.
not to mention wee should be able to lock things.
ah, that can either be Lockette or LWC plugin, either one allows you to lock chests,doors and furnaces so only you can use them.
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