Endless Paradigm

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yeah that sucked.
would play server but i don't own payed version of the game.

on a side note you guys totally need an underwater dome
ooo. so on that one... so soon as i get some glass
Inventory Editor mods don't work in multi-player unfortunately.
it may do if i give you /give, will do when i next get a chance
yeah, the reason i suggest using one becasue it would be easier to use, then trying to remember item codes

i also waiting for FBR to get back to me on donation status
You don't have to use codes.

It's /i stone or /i glass and so on.. which I believe to be simple enough.
i still found it easier to click what i needed and getting a stack / or just 1

well so much for the double tower... i seemed to have misjudged the setup somehow

i still finished it... however it gets broken near the end

cc's mine seems to have been broken into as well
guys thank you sooo much for the support with donations! it's amazing!

I've now recieved donations from syfe and trademark :) enjoy your /i :D
and trade? wow

do i have access to /give as well? or is it just /i
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