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Doubt its lag issues, it's probably server errors :/

hopefully our friend FBR can fix it up.
had a look, messed with a few things, let me know how it goes
Source: YouTube

for those of us who do not ride the rail system. this is where the rail system now can take you.
nice! just had a look and the creator is saying the update to minecart mania will be released in november time as he's been completely rewriting it since September. i can't wait :)
Well everything seems to work fine now expect for the low mob count and a little interesting surprise at my door lol.

[Image: 2011-10-11_012351.png]

[Image: 2011-10-11_012219.png]

[Image: 2011-10-11_012114.png]

I know it's a simple log in and out fix but I thought it would be funny to post it anyway, my luck right?
Haha, that's a useful chunk error.
yeah i had one yesterday but didnt see anything in it.

and thanks fbr. there are rail switches at the time being...
Tons Of chunk errors.

[Image: 20111011170316.png]

I logged on recently and I was greeted to standing on nothing. :P
tried some more stuff, losing will to live
well logging off and re-logging works it seems
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