Endless Paradigm

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Good news everyone!  I got a new computer today, which means i should be able to get back to work on the server within a week or so. Ive still got a lot of setting up to do on the new machine, but once that's done, you guys are my top priority. First on my agenda is to update the server, and when i do that, ill be clearing out everything but our world, and start the plugin installation from scratch, hopefully resolving all those conflicting mods and permissions. Ill let you know in this thread when that's going to happen, most likely it will be a week from today.
Godspeed trademark... godspeed
in the meanwhile i got to ask, am i the only one to roam our fair server these days?
No clue.
Hibby's given a few building to consider while making my town.

although clearing land is annoying.
I'll have to wait until the server's updated to carry on wit my project... might scrap my current location and find somewhere new
i didnt update so i could go onto the server (then again i have multiple computers to work with)

by the way trade. server is down again
Should be back up now. Tomorrow's the big day, so expect a lot of downtime while I update and rewrite poo poo.
thanks trade.
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