Endless Paradigm

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it reforms
i tried to get rid of it using fire on netherack, i got rid of every block of ice from there but the second i removed all the netheracks, it went strait back to being an icelake again, i have no idea what its source is
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]tried that...

didnt work.

anyways what up with the trees randomly outside the mountain?

also what's with the monsters grinding spot?

I knew I should have added a sign saying "Don't Mine" >.> Did you dig the upstairs?

Added some pictures to G+ MINCERAFT
Lol, is that a squid flying?

and maybe.. i got a 403
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, is that a squid flying?

Yeh lol just before the server crashed in a ball of fire fury.

Once I was attacking one under water and it just bailed, straight out of the water, like it was on mission or something. But then re-spawned because cyber GAWD was like "NO!"

@Syfe, 403? hang on I'll fiddle the privacy, do you have G+?

EDIT: Ok changed the permissions for that album~ Try it again Syfe
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, is that a squid flying?

Yeh lol just before the server crashed in a ball of fire fury.

was that on the 13th?
it was today, soon after you left. got disconnected, didn't try reconnecting as i had to go anyway. i mentioned crash, but it's more likely connection error
I need an account. Emptyone
I do not. Wtf is g+?
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