Endless Paradigm

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Yeah, I didn't walk that far. Lol, I don't even see what I did on the map, man my house is small.
i think he cut it from the map :/
LMFAO! Who in the world had the time and patience to walk such a vast distance?!
i think it was one of our newer guests
The 1.8 Update alludes me because of OpenGL 1.2 so I downgraded back to 1.7.3 until it gets fixed. As for my place being cut out, well it's fine. It's not like you can't rebuild stuff in Minecraft, besides I wasn't too happy with the way it looked so this gives me a chance to come up with something else in the future.

Also did anyone else see a man with a sword in this picture?
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]this is what the map looked like on an isometric drawing
[Image: 24wwspt.png]

add me

username will be squee666
also its cracked minecraft.
(don't want to pay £15 for a Java coded game when the own had over 3mill downloads payed.
then you will have to wait squee Server is down until wee can get Bukkit 1.8 going

it would be cool to see what you will do Squee
tbfair im really bad at mnecraft unless theres like item generator.

i want to make a double layered glass dome on a peak. double layered so i can put lava in the outer casing so it looks like a giant ball of magma.

or an S that does it.

just installed minecraft again now adding new texture packs and speed boost mod.

i only played this game once online and 0 mintues online

im a nab at it
playing offline so far i have made an iron axe and pickaxe and am tunneling into the abyss
well just interact with the world
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