Your computers are not tied to the game and if you do update you can EASILY downgrade back. I just haven't bothered to do so because another server I frequest at is already on 1.8.
and now you can switch with ease.
As if being homeless wasn't bad enough, now it say I'm not white-listed on the server? Is this what I get for not checking this thread for a couple of days? *sob* it's okay, I get the message. If anyone needs me I'm going to sit here and eat a cake.....
Or it could be because I can't connect to on my client? Probably should know what's going on before I start crying....*sob*
are you using an old client or did you get yours after 1.4?
also is the map on the server now?
I've been using the same client since I bought the game back in mid 2010. I believe it was still 1.0 something at the time I bought it. I was always able to play multiplayer fine before, even when I played with you I was using it. Has something changed with the client since 1.8?
you need to re-download the launcher. 1.8 disabled the old version of the log-in screen
Oh, wow. Now my client looks like the Windows and Linux one and it actually asks me if I want to update instead of just doing it without my approval. When did they change this for the Mac people?
I didn't leave the new map on syfe no, it seems even glitchier then the last :s
Sorry about all the recent problems people :( the map one was my fault but I have no control over how long bukkit is taking
That's fine. Don't worry about it FBR