Endless Paradigm

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No. Just type EPcraft.org into the server browser

No need for the http part nor any w

Plus you need to be whitelisted in order to connect
You don't need to be whitelisted to connect or set up a login, but you'll need permission to build or interact with anything. If you need to get set up on the server just post your name here or pm it to myself, ekusoshisuto, or syfe.

Also, I took a screenshot of our spawn area: [Image: snapshot73l.png]

and here's one of the walkway at my house: [Image: snapshot78m.png]
Dammit trademark91, that looks beautiful.

What Mods and Texture Pack do you have?
Lol at the number of times I mess with the sign
No1sy B0y Wrote: [ -> ]Dammit trademark91, that looks beautiful.

What Mods and Texture Pack do you have?

that's chocapic's shaders mod
also Trade, i can't edit permissions since i don't know the login for anything but the Tekkit server (even then i forgot them too)
Syfe, you're not supposed to edit permissions, and you're not supposed to have the login. I only gave you the login for the tekkit server so you could start it back up if it crashed. What's the problem with the permissions as they are?
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]
No1sy B0y Wrote: [ -> ]Dammit trademark91, that looks beautiful.

What Mods and Texture Pack do you have?

that's chocapic's shaders mod
Thanks a bunch.
Or did you mean that wee could be PMed so wee could ahold of you
hey trade out of curiosity do i still have my world edit permissions? i lost them with the old vanilla server...
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