trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]also, if anyone had any plugins that they would like to see added to the server, speak now or until next update hold your peace.
I'm happy with the ones wee had on the old server.
Lockette / Worldguard for sure.
maybe some spawner GUI control. for people who make dungeons etc
Ok just thought id give an update. Im waiting for bukkit to get updated before I update the server. I was anticipating a release before today but no dice on that one it would seem. Once theres a bukkit version for the new minecraft wee'll get it all set up, but until then were going to hold off on updating because with no bukkit, there are no plugins.
I'm looking forward to seeing what our new world will be like...
I wish i have minecraft.....
had not have
bukkit seems to be taking its sweet time updating this time
That's because Notch is screwing up the game.
The bukkit dev team has taken it upon themselves to fix all the bugs in vanilla Minecraft on their own.