Endless Paradigm

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[Image: troll-face.png]

i had the old map still on the old server, so me and my friend went at it with tnt!
Even though it's not on the server, how could you destroy the precious town wee all built together?

Why FBR? WHY??!! D:
Wewt. Minecraft Official is out :DDDDD
ill update the server some time this week.
alright. let us know when. I'll start making the public world dungeon
Won't be done till at least friday unfortunately. Thanksgiving week has me working 14 hour shifts for the next 4 days. Do wee want to keep the old world or start a new one for the new official release? Im leaning toward the fresh start considering wee know it won't have world breaking updates for a while now.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Won't be done till at least friday unfortunately. Thanksgiving week has me working 14 hour shifts for the next 4 days. Do wee want to keep the old world or start a new one for the new official release? Im leaning toward the fresh start considering wee know it won't have world breaking updates for a while now.

it would be nice to have a new world i think.. good chance to start some new projects... and seeing as worldguard has fudgeed up on my island and things like the mushroom spawns have killed my mine i wouldn't mind a fresh start. got tons of epic ideas that i never really had a chance to bring to life in our current world
I wouldn't mind a new world.
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