1.9 Pre-Release, finally glass panes and brick stairs here I come! I've been playing it a bit and keep forgetting I can sprint now, the blocking doesn't seem to reduce as much damage as I thought it would though.
The 1.9 pre-release is pretty broken, what with messed up jumping, serious framerate issues, and gaining EXP when you do jump.
the next payment is coming up for the new server (it was a month trial i paid for) and i was wondering if i should renew it for EP?
interest seems to have died?
I haven't lost interest, Its just whenever I go on, no one's there.
Interest is not dead. Look at how active this thread is :O
It's just that this whole business with 1.8 taking so long for bukkit to update and now 1.9 already coming, it's causing a lot of confusion.
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]The 1.9 pre-release is pretty broken, what with messed up jumping, serious framerate issues, and gaining EXP when you do jump.
Jumping will be fixed soon enough, and the EXP for jumping is just temporary to see if the whole experience orb problem that would crash servers problems was fixed.
and hold space to jump has been removed
i havent lost interest, i just havent had time to poke around on the server.
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]and hold space to jump has been removed
It's coming back in the final release of 1.9 ^_^
hey trade, i made you this:
if you're going to build in it, don't use sand lol
You never make ME stuff :(