Endless Paradigm

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I was thinking of adding a trade city that sells resources at spawn.
Where did everything wee had Build go?

Also, Something really weird is happening to me.

Well, There's this one Server where I am an Admin. And whenever I get on the EP Server and use a Hatchet to cut a Tree, the WorldEdit message pops up, If you know about WorldEdit, then you should know what I mean. Anyways, it doesn't work though. Also, when I double Tap the Space bar, I fly, but when I Press Shift to come down, I take Damage, like if I fell from a high point.

Anyone knows double you tee eff is going on?
Ok so I have finally left one job so I'll have some free time to put towards this server. Sorry for all the delays and whatnot. You should expect an updated to 1.3.2 server as soon as bukkit releases a recommended 1.3.2 and I'll start work on tekkit later this week/early next week.

I wouldn't plan on it happening friday/saturday though, I haven't had a weekend off in over 2 years and I'm REALLY looking forward to it.

Again, sorry to have you guys waiting so long on this.

Peacewalker, wee deleted our world and started a new one, hence the poll on the top. The old world is up for download, you can find it in the first post in this thread.

Thanks for letting me know about the outdated portal plugin. I'll fix that. EDIT: should be fixed now.
No problem trade.
The gate system / world guard zones are still on the old world systems.

although i managed to break a few gates though so they get removed from the list while adding 2 new ones.
ah I'll have to delete the old worldguard and gate directories.

Tomorrow is the day I have planned to work on this. Syfe, as the chief bug finder on our server, I'd like you to be present while I work on this. I want to fix all of your complaints ASAP.
Roger that. although would it be possible to check out the spawn area of the tekkit side? i want to see what kind of land around spawn wee have

i was planning on using my old world guarded area to create a dungeon there (i was planning to before wee updated the map)
I'm still waiting on a stable 1.3.2 build of bukkit to be released before i start updating all the plugins. Syfe, if you want to get on irc and talk to me, I'll be on for a bit, highlight me and I'll be happy to answer any and all of your questions regarding our fine little server.

I think I fixed the Worldguard and wormhole artifacts from the previous world.
no i mean i can get onto the main server with minecraft 1.3.2

no need to update bukkit

and (myself) and trade are working on getting tekkit up.

"current spawn point" (EPcraft Tekkit)
[Image: 2012-09-02_230225.png]

theres a few things wee need to complete still regarding it but wee are working on it
I'm really looking forward to getting some tekkit action on the server now. I've been trying to use the technic launcher lately and just as I've started to enjoy it the program has started to fail miserably... got a good feel for it now so should be quite fun when wee start
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