Endless Paradigm

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It's /i
i meant if i go into minecraft and use toomanyitems (uses /give) it will work

* Syfe completes tower with some glass based levels above the cloud region
Things are starting to appear strange. I have a 1x2 hole in my house and a skylight missing at the mushroom farm D:

Protect your region Razgriz :3
yesh becasue theres a greifer someplace on the server
fbr i would like permission to connect my rail system to yours. i want to make it easy to get to trademountain
sure, i was going to do the bridge system all the way to yours but if you've already made a track, you can connect :)
well theres a way to have rails stop where you need them

levers will create switch tracks
check this out!

:D That's pretty cool
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