Endless Paradigm

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yes t'was very sad. thanks for working with me though! if theres anything i can do to help just let me know.
well it's currently running without plugins so i can perform tests. sorry again guys lol
did the number of people possible increase?

plus did you at least try out what i needed trade?
yeah, the servers gone back to defaults, 24 is what they recommend, i could set it to any limit i want

i hope you can sort out the issue.
from what i can see, it's all sorted now, have no idea what was wrong lol.

only been able to do small tests, my internet is playing up at the moment and connection is wavy as hell, at least the server is shutting itself down anymore at the moment lol
do wee have to reset up the Lockette / world guards?

on side note you didnt turn those back on.

your missing a door now
lol, it wouldn't be a fix by me if something didn't go wrong :P

i forgot to put lockette back on and world edit didn't transfer properly which meant worldgaurd couldn't start :S all sorted again now :)
yeah it seems like everything is in order.

i have to come with a new puzzle element to try to make up for the new issue i found. I'll move my old design to another slot
i think I'm going to take a hiatus from my roman building thing lol, I'm so bored of that project now ¬_¬
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