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[Image: 2011-07-09_160032.png]


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Is there any possible way to get MineCraft 1.7.3 for free?
Didn't you say you already bought Minecraft, if so just update it.

Otherwise you'll have to buy it.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't you say you already bought Minecraft, if so just update it.

Otherwise you'll have to buy it.

I didn't said i had bought it, I said i had it, but it didn't worked, cause i tried to get it free.
How much does it cost?
It's 21 dollars, and if did try to get it for free you wouldn't be able to get on the EP server since it's only for people who've paid for it.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]It's 21 dollars, and if did try to get it for free you wouldn't be able to get on the EP server since it's only for people who've paid for it.

Buy the game you chode smoker. People who pirate indie games are the scum of the earth.
bread Wrote: [ -> ]Buy the game you chode smoker. People who pirate indie games are the scum of the earth.

Ehhhh Do i know you?

Anyways, i got the following message from the Terms of Use of Minecraft's website.

Quote:When you purchase Minecraft you do so as is, be it in the early stages (Beta) of development or already fully released.
Does that^ means that if i buy the game right now as a Beta, I will have to buy it again when they complete it, if i choose to?
No, it means you have already bought it, the updates come free.

bread Wrote: [ -> ]Buy the game you chode smoker. People who pirate indie games are the scum of the earth.

What he said!
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]
bread Wrote: [ -> ]Buy the game you chode smoker. People who pirate indie games are the scum of the earth.

Ehhhh Do i know you?
[Image: getthefudgeout.gif]

TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Does that^ means that if i buy the game right now as a Beta, I will have to buy it again when they complete it, if i choose to?

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