Endless Paradigm

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Is that like when the current plan runs out or something?
yeah, i meant renewal lol
what is this /i command
Gives you items.
How about /back? When will that be working?

Also, I would be happy to donate.
/back is added now.

if anyone would like to donate, PM me and I'll send my paypal details to you :D, and state if you would like the /i command or not too
I think I might be interested in joining in, perhaps on weekends only at the moment if that's alright. My MC Username is the same Darksidehearts, thanks for creating a server!

Here's an Isometric of the server!
[Image: epworldisometriceast1.png]

the full image can be viewed here:
sweet. who owns the far off castle?
i think it's trade's mountain
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