Endless Paradigm

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first. since my base happens to be above a mine and monster trap so i cannot guard the whole area
oh oops, sorry about that, you can now use addowner, also, when using /region define, you can also add you username to become owner, so it would be /region define name username.
All right. thanks it's working now.
Downloaded the SpoutCraft launcher. It's pretty nice. I like how you can have a list of different servers. It's quite useful.
as long as you don't go running off from the EP one ;)
i also downloaded spout but... so far i can't see the use of it
Hey Syfe you can claim that bit if you want~
for the moment, it won't seem like much has changed with spout, but addons are coming and it also offers chunk caching and other stuff to make the game more efficient
Right now I think it comes with OptiFine installed which is pretty useful in some ways since it has been known to improve game performance, and more stuff will be added onto it. And if that's not enough to convince you, you are free to keep using the default launcher of course.
I've gone and made this really big space
[Image: 20110816223722.png]
For All of this
[Image: 20110816223729.png]
To make this
[Image: 20110816231647.png]
well, not just that bit, but it was the easiest to screencap, I've done loads of work on the train line ascetics today, was on between 5 and 11 extracting and building :)
also creepers are back :3
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