Endless Paradigm

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well i agree with those more ekuso.

although who could wee have as mods?
me! \o/
i wouldn't mind doing some mod duties on occasion. there's only a few of us who have really played this server so far so i think anyone whose been there from more or less the beginning are qualified for it
I also think that mods/admins should have access to basic world edit commands too.

Ill be a mod. :D
i doubt it rawr
Rawrsor, you are not fit to be a mod. And for the meantime wee should hold this off until another time where a mod/admin are really needed.
waddaya mean?

Well anyways...

yeah, actual mods and admins won't be sorted out until the need for the server rises, i already have a list in mind for extra admins, no idea about mods though
a small update :) been working on permissions, i hate the little buggers ¬_¬

I've now set up 2 groups of permissions, one called everyone and one called members, everyone is the default group and anyone in it can not access the ep world, even with warps, it won't let them in, so if anyone new comes in who you do want in the EP world, they'll need to let me know (for now, until mods are sorted out). there's not much difference in the 2 groups except that access.

i hope this is all worth it, i have an image in my head of no one joining :S
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