Endless Paradigm

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get back on the server then so i can debug it.
Hey guys! good news!

I tarballed the old world for you to download and do with what you will. grab it at http://epcraft.org/downloads/oldworld.tar.bz2
which world? the one the server started with?
yeah... been having a little nostalgia blast just now... i do miss this world lol
Any Body have a Good Looking Texture Pack?

I would appreciate it if you would share it with me, but let me say this. Im using a Laptop, so if the Graphics of
the Texture Pack are way too good, I don't think my Laptop will run the Game smoothly.
Woot. Minecraft 1.2 is OUT.
Do not update if you wish to keep using the server.

Wait until the server updates

And its 1.2.2

1.2.2 | March 1, 2012
Quote:Bug Fixes:
  • "Uploaded Minecraft 1.2.2 because birches and pine trees were missing...
  • Big trees, swamp trees and giant mushrooms generation fixed.
  • Snow appears on Maps again.

  • Enchanted Tools and Armor have their labels glitched.
  • If a player builds to the height limit, and stands on top of that structure, the game will crash with a false "saving chunks" screen.
  • Iron Golems become passive when in water.

1.2.1 | March 1, 2012

  • New map file format called Anvil, allowing a new height limit (256 instead of 128).
- However, in the Nether, layers 128 to 256 are only accessible in creative mode, due to the unchanged ceiling bedrock at layer 127.
  • New Jungle biome.
  • Added Ocelots.
  • Added Cats.
  • Added Iron Golems.
  • New AI for mobs
  • Tame wolves can have puppies.
  • Villagers will have children if there is room in their village.
  • Zombie sieges will occur occasionally at night.
  • Zombies break down doors on hard difficulty.
  • New items and blocks.
  • Crafting recipe for ladder now yields 3 ladders instead of 2
  • Crafting recipe for slab now yields 6 slabs instead of 3
  • Added rare drops for mobs.
  • Added the items Fire Charge and Bottle of Enchanting.
  • Added Redstone Lamps.
  • Added 3 new blocks textures ([Image: 32px-NewSandstoneGrid1.png] [Image: 32px-NewSandstoneGrid2.png] [Image: Grid_Circle_Stone_Brick.png]), that aren't yet used in survival (Circle Stone Brick is accessible in creative).
  • Changed Dispenser and Oak Sapling textures. ([Image: 32px-Dispenser.png] [Image: Grid_Sapling.png])
  • Slabs and Stairs can be placed upside-down by placing them below a block.
  • Placing blocks on Grass will replace it.
  • Lava now has a faint rumbling sound effect, and large particles that hop out of the lava produce a popping sound.
  • Very rare Desert Wells can be found in Desert biomes.
  • Third person view may now show the sides of the player's head when rotating.
  • F3 has some changes and additions:
- lc:
- b: Shows what biome you are in.
- bl: Block brightness.
- sl: Sky brightness.
- rl: Raw brightness.
- Due to popular demand, Seed info is now "0" in SMP to avoid people recreating the world in SSP
  • Clouds cast very faint shadows onto the terrain and when an undead or enderman mob is in the shadows, they can resist the daylight.
  • Players can now climb vines.
  • Many other minor tweaks and fixes.

Bug Fixes:
  • Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone
  • Ambience works in Multiplayer
  • Mob spawners show the correct mob in SMP (instead of a pig)

  • Big trees are very rare in Forest, birches, pines in Taiga, swamp trees in Swamps, giant mushrooms in Mushroom Biomes
- 99% of the big trees are replaced by small trees, so no big trees in biomes like Mountains that could generate rare big trees
  • Snow doesn't appear on maps
  • F3 takes more resources than before, making the game unplayable on old computers
  • The biome "FrozenRiver" and "DesertHills" does not have a space like other biomes (e.g. "Ice Mountains")
  • Mushrooms are generated on bedrock layer in The Nether

Alright trademark91, I made the Warp Gate.

Now, How do I activate it? Hmmm
hit the switch?

did you place a sign on a pillar right next to the lever?
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