Endless Paradigm

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now starting on my next project :) if trade doesn't mind I'm taking the inspiration from his recent work, the underwater build, i was going to try one myself.

also, 1.9 pre 2 is out now :)
An underwater project?
What does pre2 fix?

I did start something in 1.9 but never followed up afterward
Nine new music discs (11 in total, one "broken")
Blaze Powder

Magma cream
Glass Bottles

Spider eye (dropped by spiders) and fermented spider eye
Game mechanics
Hardcore mode: game over when you die, hearts have new icons
Golden apple now has a shining animation
Pressure plates on top of fence posts now make sound when you walk on them or next to them
Villagers has no names (No more TESTIFICATE)
Holding the spacebar allows you to jump continuously again
The enderman pearls now teleports you when thrown
Endermen teleport to dodge arrows. Endermen teleport out of water when they touch it. Endermen teleport a lot more
Item repair. Place two worn items in crafting bench (arrangement not important)

F5 now fixed so you can see your character from the front.
Fences now attach to adjacent blocks
Pumpkins can be “crafted” into 4 Pumpkin Seeds
Zombie Pigmen now drop rotten flesh or gold bits randomly
F8 cinematic mode is back
New tooltip design
Glass panes now shatter when mined
Mob health seems to have been rebalanced
Fence hitbox fixed
Exp orbs now are the score when you die
Poison timer in inventory
Animal breeding:
Feed passive mobs wheat to make them breed with each other
Passive mobs follow you when wheat is selected
No sheep colour inheritance

Note where it says that the hold space to jump was fixed. I recall you bringing that up repeatedly.
no i just said that holding space while in sprint mode doesn't cost as much food.

but these are cool things to check up on

Bottles though. i wants one.
Aw....I liked picking up the glass panes again but I suppose it makes more sense to have them shatter just as a normal glass block does. As for repairing well now that's something I'm glad has been added. I thought about putting a suggestion for it on the getsatisfaction page but seeing as I didn't see anyone visit my Variety of Spider idea I just assumed that no one would look at the repairing idea either. However seeing as so many of the ideas for the new spiders in the abandon mines seem very familiar,  I suppose the old saying is true about assuming.
- - - -

My idea for repairing was a hammer and anvil system, I know it's a little cliche but follow me here. It would give another use for Obsidian.

[Image: 83555.png]
2 sticks with a piece of obsidian on each side to make a hammer, it has a good bit of durability but will wear down with use eventually.

[Image: 83556.png]
An anvil made with several pieces of obsidian, once placed does not wear down but has a catch. Cannot be picked up again as it will break, also it needs to be placed only on some stone flooring.

[Image: 83557.png]
The forge also needs to be on stone flooring, and can be made out of several stone blocks and bucket of lava.
- - - -

[Use and functions]

- In order to repair a weapon or tool, you must first put it into the forge and wait for it to heat the metals about as much time as it takes to smelt materials. Once heated it needs to be taken out within a minute otherwise it'll break. Then using a source material matching the items [ie: an iron or gold ingot] you can combine it with the broken item to fully fix it. So in other words using 1 iron ingot with a almost broken iron sword will repair it fully. Originally I wanted to have the user use an amount based on what it took to make the item but if that's the case you might as well make a new weapon right? This way is more economical, giving up only one ingot.

- Once out access the anvil and insert the hammer and you'll be able to repair said item, the hammer will have usage meter like other tools

- Only Iron or Gold tools, weapons and armor may be repaired with this system as you cannot restore stone or gem like items in a forge.

- You can use the forge to create items, tools and armor. You can use iron and gold ingots to create blades and what have you for each tool, ultimately this will replace most of the workbench system. You can still use it to make wooden and diamond materials but the metal ones will need to be made with blacksmithing.

Breaking Down
- The hammer can be used with the anvil alone to break them down to restore 1 random material that was used to make it. The durability will not go down for breaking items, only forging and repair due to the heat involved.

Another idea that can go along with this addition is the idea of material cores, in other words you could fortify a sword with a diamond in order to give it more durability far more than what it would normally have. Mixing different types of materials in order to make different types of metals ie: Mixing gold and iron to make a metal that's a like a lesser-diamond. Iron's durability but golds power. Creating horseshoes for eventual horses to make them run faster and travel more terrain. Maybe mold a kleet for the players shoes that acts like the sneak function so you won't fall off the edge. Obviously some things would need to be ironed out *no pun intended* before I decide to post it
That could be pretty cool. If they don't add it you should see one of the many MC modders at the forums that may want to try making it.
The only issue I see with my idea right off the bat is that someone might complain about the idea of not being able to get iron tools, I mean you do NEED them to get diamond and gold, so there in itself is a flaw. Not to mention how you would get Obsidian, I suppose a work around would be in the endgame to have NPC shops where wee buy the tools at first in order to get the sources to make our own. I'll  finish the finer points of this idea and then submit it to see if anyone else likes the idea or not. Who knows, might get added and like you said if not by Mojang perhaps a modder.

If you want you can visit the page I posted the spider ideas here: http://getsatisfaction.com/mojang/topics...of_spiders
Either that or have them made of Wood/Stone/Iron/gold/Diamond as well
Yeah, now thinking about it different hammers makes a bit of sense, most users could start out by using a anvil in a NPC village and craft a basic tools with a wooden hammer, however for forging purposes in the beginning a stone one would be needed less you set yourself on fire, which could be a nice touch to prove the point. Additionally adding a crafting recipe to make an attack hammer out of the normal materials would be something as well. I mean wee do kind of need more of an arsenal than just a sword and bow, perhaps even shields could be forged.
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