Endless Paradigm

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How deep down was that big empty cave? Because it looks like a good place for a slime farm.
it's not too low, it's just below my house, i can make a lower one next time, if you tell me what level to be at
Slimes spawn at layer 16 and under all the way to bedrock.
hey FBR, can wee have some spawners placed in that grinder / trap thing
CokWoomivob Wrote: [ -> ]doxepin hydrochloride 25 mg cost oxybutynin does much how

Lol what.
>.< endless sPa/\/\
of somebody who is eXx1l3d
if anyone wants /i command then i am willing to do it as long as a small donation is made for the server renewal
Well if it's donations you need I am more than happy to contribute.
donations aren't desperatly needed yet, the server refresh isn't until feburary, was just offering it out to people who would like to use /i, as an incentive to using the server a little more.

not that i won't accept donations :P
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