hmm i noticed that someone's broken into my mine syfe... although i haven't noticed any damage yet...
oh by the way I'm impressed with the progress guys. I've been working so haven't had much time to play... I've got a couple of things I'm going to start soon...
oh and I've noticed whoever is griefing is doing it on a very small scale... they only seem to be taking out one or two blocks from evry area
I'll fix my station when i have some time (maybe later today or early tomorrow)
well i assume they just wanted to have a look around so they smashed into the area they wanted to
it was awesome seeing my rail without lag lol :D
May I ask what tecture pack you are using? It looks quite nice

@Andrewcc, that might be me. I was mining deep below when I came across a huge cave system, ended up popping out someone elses house lol
Edit: did a area protection, now I can't build on it :/ FML
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]@Andrewcc, that might be me. I was mining deep below when I came across a huge cave system, ended up popping out someone elses house lol
Edit: did a area protection, now I can't build on it :/ FML
s'no problem lol.. I've fixed it up now anyway
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]@Andrewcc, that might be me. I was mining deep below when I came across a huge cave system, ended up popping out someone elses house lol
Edit: did a area protection, now I can't build on it :/ FML
for ownership you need to type /region addowner REGIONNAME YOURNAME
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]@Andrewcc, that might be me. I was mining deep below when I came across a huge cave system, ended up popping out someone elses house lol
Edit: did a area protection, now I can't build on it :/ FML
lol when you define a region you then have to add yourself as owner
also, i think my texture pack is called purebdcraft, but's a 128x128 pack, so not for the slow computers