Endless Paradigm

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you may lose everything on your person.

wee also updated to 1.6

i havent been on the server in a bit myself...

been playing on a PvP server mostly:
Source: YouTube


and the Tekkit server
[Image: 2013-08-03_183414_zps6c104c5b.png]
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]you may lose everything on your person.

wee also updated to 1.6

i havent been on the server in a bit myself...

been playing on a PvP server mostly:
Source: YouTube


and the Tekkit server
[Image: 2013-08-03_183414_zps6c104c5b.png]

i don't mind losing my stuff i''ve already started building
did this issue ever get fixed?

I'll check otherwise.

also is there any interest left in a FTB server?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]did this issue ever get fixed?

I'll check otherwise.

also is there any interest left in a FTB server?

i admit i haven't played minecraft in ages, i really don't think I'll be on the server again. it's was great spending time with everyone on there though so thanks guys. if i ever do decide to play minecraft again i shall definitely be on the server (assuming it still exists)
damn. i have been playing at least 2 hours / week. although on a more private versus game using FTB

Source: YouTube

the goal is to steal/build the end portal. although its going to be a while
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