Endless Paradigm

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hey im back from that stupid trip. just walked in the door a few seconds ago. ill get to work i guess Sigh

Its back up. the existing warps are on the public network (the default if you don't specify a network), you could add them to that. I was having some trouble using the teleporters logged in as syfe (sorry syfe, you're my default testing account lately), but if they work for you guys let me know because that will make me super happy.
ouch. i think i will need to set a warp up near my tree or something if this keeps up

i guess its sort of payback for being somewhat demanding
so something is being up with the server. im seriously just going to delete EVERYTHING including my permissions files, and start over from scratch. (ill probably save the world if you guys want) but that seems to be the simplest option. I'm going to take the next day or two off, but then expect me to be right back to work .

and yes, i am aware that it was down when i posted this, it was rebooting.
Yeah i would save the world so far.
[Image: 2011-12-30_170718.png]

muah ha ha ha ha...

Vandern Plaza complete! the WIP station to the right has a gate and warp location in it
Nice! Right now I'm surviving. :U
So is the server working for you guys now, or do I still have to reinstall everything?
i dunno if the gate works and i get an no permissions error when using warps :/
Hmm. Well allright then. I'm going to be off tomorrow most likely ill see about it then. I've got a campus visit Monday so if I don't get it tomorrow it'll have to wait till Tuesday.
excuse my noobness, I would like to visit the server but I have no idea how to do it, never entered a server and never played online. I don't have to *cough* buy *cough* minecraft to visit this server right?
how do I do it?
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