Endless Paradigm

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Not much currently. I am trying to finish a few things in the village and deciding on what to make next
Working on tradelandia currently. Trying to figure out which way to expand.
Work has been crazy lately.

I haven't had the energy to play games. Dead
well i just finished the enchantment room in the Library. you guys are welcome to use it as well (as well as recharge your Klein Stars on the same floor or use some stored EMC to quick draw another weapon)

also depending on what you want the max level to be... you will need to use the levers on the side of the room (2 left, 1 right) it will move the bookshelves away from the table
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Working on tradelandia currently. Trying to figure out which way to expand.

Is, is...

Is it an amusement park? :DDDDDD
No, but it could be...
Do it for the lawlz!
A name like tradelandia does sound like an amusement park
Yeah Yeah I know
you did say you wanted to build a rollercoaster trade...

at least i think it was you.
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