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i want to update this thread to check who is still playing Minecraft from time to time.

i recently got back into using both a single player world and the tekkit server... although last time i tried to log on it was offline

I'll check with trade later if he doesn't first post in the thread
It was offline a couple days ago but I put it back up. If its offline again let me know it might be something to check out.
i'llhave to chuck tekkit on my mac someime it can run vanilla at max settings without breaking asweat so should be good with the tekkit launcher... also after watching the yogscast i would love to try out packs like feed the beast and volts
The tekkit server's still up? I'll have to play sometime! I think I've gotten a better grasp at what to do with machines and stuff.
it is. its the same server that has been running (so its still 1.2.5 Tekkit Classic)

although i have been playing some FTB while playing in minecraft for the most part
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]it is. its the same server that has been running (so its still 1.2.5 Tekkit Classic)

although i have been playing some FTB while playing in minecraft for the most part

Yeah, I've been playing FTB a bit too... I almost prefer it since it doesn't have as many 'Game Breaking' mods (e.g EE2) in it. That and it's pretty much up to date (apart from the 1.5 update).
have you been playing the Yogcraft one?

i prefer EE2 for a server side add-on becasue it makes the server seem slightly more creative without allowing people to be in creative
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]have you been playing the Yogcraft one?

i prefer EE2 for a server side add-on becasue it makes the server seem slightly more creative without allowing people to be in creative

More Ultimate for me, haven't touched some of the packs though.
well. i built myself some power armor with night vision so i don't need to worry about lighting
what's the news on the server atm... its been down last couple of times I've checked
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