Endless Paradigm

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try using /i instead it should work
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]some strange things going on here. apparently chat has been disconnected. anmd i no longer have /give =(

actually that's because you're not added to the groups file yet. everyone has to be re-added manually because i rewrote the permissions file to make sure it worked right. If anyone experiences any issues like this let me know, as its as simple to fix as adding a name to a list. I don't have a list of everyone who plays, and i really don't want to wade through 109 pages of posts to find you guys (just not that much free time, sorry)
Ok guys something exciting is going down.

Tomorrow an elite crew of heroes: myself, ekusoshisuto, and cirehpsa, will be travelling to the end with the intent of killing the dragon.

If anyone would like to join this amazing quest, aided by both admins, you will be more than welcome to hop on the server around 3pm CST. that's 8pm for you GMT folks i believe. Syfe, andrewcc, im looking at you.

edit: It has been beaten! Syfe, Cirehpsa, and I slayed the dragon! If anyone wants to see the ending thingy, you can hop on a teleporter to the end and jump through the fountain.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]What's your in-game name?

mines UrbanHybrid.
Trade have you thought about using the //thaw (radius) command if you don't want the snow around you?
well im kinda starting to like the snow lol
it was a suggestion of sorts.

so height limit is going to increase..
do you need me to up the height limit?

i think i can do that.
No, I think hes saying that in 1.2 the height limit will increase from 128 blocks to 256.
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