Endless Paradigm

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And where can I get it?

Also, where do I place it?
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]am i the only person who never played minecraft before?

Well seeing as how only a small fraction of EP plays on the server I'm going to say you're not the only one.

Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]@Rawrsor,
And where can I get it?

Also, where do I place it?

When you're downloading the technic launcher it gives you an options to download for

Windows     Mac   Linux

Click on the Linux one
Ehh...I know you must have a reason for telling me to get the Linux one, but still, I have a Windows Laptop.

Will it run it?
Because the Linux one is the .jar version you idiot
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Because the Linux one is the .jar version you idiot

WOW, Calm down, Im not forcing you to help me. Geez
Just do it and quit complaining.

Exer had the same problem, I wouldn't be telling you that unless it didn't fix his problem.
I got it to work.

Thanks Rawrsor and eKusho,
As long as I don't see any more cannons... also its Not Enough Items included with tekkit.

Here's some tips since everybody had the same mods

while using NEI. You can press R to see how you could make the item.
You can also search for the item by using the search bar at the bottom of the inventory screen. Make sure you hit enter before checking the recipe for an item.
Also I left you guys a recipe on the spawns back wall
if anyone gets the "Can't find Java directory" error just follow these steps:

1.Click: Start
2.On search input field type: %appdata%
3.Click: Roaming
4.Open: '.techniclauncher' folder
5.Right Click: Technic-Launcher.jar
6.Open With: Java
apparently the server has a knack for telling the entire server that someone goes and breaks a spawner. i really hate cave spiders.

beside from that... i built my base... although i will be expanding my operations beyond that house i made. (its basically made for housing chests and basic tools) unlike the main server where the same house holds everything i will need in it to build stuff with
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