Endless Paradigm

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well my little islands coming together nicely....
i added a small hidden room to hide within.
Lockket has now been installed on the server

To use it, place a sign above a door or on the floor infringement of a crate and put [private] as the first line of the sign, it should be working for you guys, I may need to work on the permissions though
[Image: 5jz0bm.png]

The easiest way to clear out the walls of a wooden building :P
lol. hey FBR can you give us access to some of the commands on Essentials, like

I'll get around to it when i can next get some free time, but I'm working night shifts for the next 3 nights lol.
I've updated the first post with info on the server and usernames. If anyone has any ideas for the thread title please post lol

Everyone please post your Minecraft usernames so that I can add them.
My Minecraft username is dhawkeye4077 by the way
Cool I've updated that now :) I plan to be playing tonight at around 23:00-00:00 GMT tonight if anyone is gonna be on? :)
I am going to work in soon. I'll be online 11 hours from now.
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