Endless Paradigm

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Soi stopped by the server, just to say hi. No one was on though, but you guys ahve a wicked as world going on there. I was very impressed :D
Apparently I need to be white listed...make it so FBR.
You should let him know your MC username lol

It's eKusoshisut0
sorry i was away on holiday, back now, just need your username and I'll add you to the list.

good to see the server stayed up, i wonder how much has changed since I've been away :S

you can do this now, to protect buildings, enjoy :)

also, have started using this plugin, there is a launcher you need to download to make full use of it, can be found here

also also, you can now use ep-mc.dyndns.info:27065 to connect to the server :) been busy today :P
well i will have issues with that
with what?
FBR. I tried it out but I don't have permission to add myself as the owner of my region.

Now I can't do anything within my plot D:
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