Endless Paradigm

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mines a 1gb server, which is what is recommended
1gb ram? what's the cpu on it? im looking at a 2gb ram, dual core 1.6ghz processor dedicated server, would that be able to run it fine do you think?
pbbbt, don't know, was just a minecraft 1gb ram managed server, easy peasy (in theory)
okay seriously... who keeps messing with my stuff. there was a cobble tower into my base again.

my bridge is gone.

I'm going to increase my world guard zone
if you don't want them building in your land, world guard around it, or wait till trade takes over and i don't know if he'll be keeping it public
Guys, I don't think I'm going to be in Minecraft for a while yet so you might want to free up my slot for others and free my stuff, I bet it's itching to get out
don't worry about it Raz. your stuff will be fine.

and yes i did increase my guarded zone its includes the bridge area (mostly) also each time i log in my iron doors are open.

the gate controls for that are behind 2 locked doors... (and yes they are closed when i log off)
ok i bought the dedi, its going to be 24-72 hours before its up and running though (probably the latter, as i requested slackware as the OS). ill let you know when the server is up so i can get a mirror of your files
sure, I'll shut down the server when you're ready, downloading the files and uploading them again shouldn't take too long
well in the meanwhile I'm almost done building that interesting tower on the public world. no break-ins since i re-crafted the lock

although somebody went boom in the shack... lol. i replaced the tnt last time i was there... and its been used.


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