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Quote:I'm updating it, and the server is going to be offline for the next couple days

in this c ase i will be updating to the newest version
Guys, I'm going to be in jury for the next 2 weeks. Wee're not sequestered or anything, but this is going to take a large chunk of my time, I just want you to understand that. This is a big deal and I need to take it seriously, there's a lot of spoon on the line for someone, and I need do it right, if that makes any sense. (can't say more than that, sorry)
its fine trade. take your time.

i want to get my feel back into single player for abit (i spawned into an interesting world)
Ok, its up. Test it for me and let me know what's working or not. Don't hold out for major work done fixing bugs till later next week, but it should be working at least. (not pirate friendly for now)

permissions don't exist, i can't leave creative mode. (i assume you had to start the file over again)

all my doors attached to another door got reversed. (minor)

and i think no plugins are currently running.
Some of those come from converting the map to 1.2.x. Eku could use his commands fine, so i think it must be the permissions system. I won't have time to really start messing with that until a week to a week and a half.
doesn't help that 1.2.5 was released
the server is on 1.2.5
wow. i was on with 1.2.4 yesterday
My new account (DarknessArrives) is still whitelisted.
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