Endless Paradigm

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well i did help them out when they needed help.
Erm, About the donation. When I get to the donator screen/paypal its in a foreign language and Canada's not on there. D:

EDIT: kung Fuuuuuuu I don't have a paypal account or a credit card. I was really wishing I could pay with my debit card...
sorry, i can only take paypal payments :(
Dang. I donate in heart!

Sorry fbr, I would hep out if I could. :)
You can set up a paypal with a debit card so long as you know your bank account number. That's how I set mine up.
I don't think It would support CIBC. :p
i don't even know what that stands for...
"Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce"

I'm with a local branch myself. but havent fixed it to my bank...
if its a bank account, they take it. im pretty sure at least. i know it works with people in the UK...
Ugh.. this guy build a very ugly floating large useless cobblestone block above the water. Permission to remove it? :D
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