lol so im back from my short leave of absence. FBR, yes i can have it start with the system, but i havent written the init script yet (/me does all this stuff by hand on his systems) and ive been busy preparing for a job interview. As far as you helping out, i really appreciate the offer, but i don't really need any help right now, it all seems to be sorted out (unless you want to write an init script for minecraft), but youll be the first to know if i ever need a hand.
its seems lockette isn't working
* Syfe smacks trade.
server offline.
was at work. back up now.
i wonder if water gets darker if you use them black OB blocks
Ack greifers. Wee need to ban: TNT, Bedrock, Lava and Water.
My house is gone :(
Me and trademark just went around the old world and everything is just the same as it's been.
You almost had me there FBR
i don't know what you guys are talking about. i just went on the server and its all still there. unless you guys held a massive rebuild operation last night, id have to say those screens could possibly be faked.