Endless Paradigm

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Ok, wee now have two jails, one for sitting and waiting, and one where you can try to escape. Peace Walker, I want you to test the jail with an escape route. Next time you log in, you will have to follow the path to get out.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, wee now have two jails, one for sitting and waiting, and one where you can try to escape. Peace Walker, I want you to test the jail with an escape route. Next time you log in, you will have to follow the path to get out.

What Path?

When I Logged In, I was at the Spawn. There was nothing indicating any kind of Patch, So I got out of the Spawn and went to the Village looking thing ya'll build. I got to Exe's house and nothing happened.
ah sorry
there wee go.

OK! wee now have two fully operational jails.
[Image: screenfetch201205082320.png]

wee've been working on skyscrapers.
so you guys have been making a modern city while i have been making a 18th century town?
yeah it would appear as such.

and here's another screenshot just because of how immensely proud I am of my sears tower.

[Image: screenfetch201205090202.png]

and at night

[Image: screenfetch201205090208.png]
Is the Scraper I build for Exe just a random Scraper or is it a Company one as well?
i should construct "the company"
Go for it, if everyone pitches in, it could turn out to be a wonderful looking metropolis...

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